i got a lenovo laptop and the monitor is broke?
i can turn it on but the screen is broke . so i cant change the settings to use a regular monitor . is there any other way i can make it work? if not is there a way to replace the laptop monitor ?? i wonder if i cut the wires to the monitor will that work? tyvm for the help
Laptops & Notebooks - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Contact the support were you bought the laptop. If under warranty they will fix it or charge you.
2 :
if the laptop is new then return it to the retailer they have to repair or replace it by law if the laptop is second hand and you knew of the broken screen before hand then you should be able to sort it out so log as the laptop boots into windows (which i appreciate you can't see right now) you simply connect the laptop using the external connection (DVI or VGA) the screen should be detected and then ask you if you want to use the external screen as a desktop extension or as the main screen
3 :
if you still have warranty, you can have it repaired else you need to take it to repair. might be costly.
4 :
None of my laptops require me to change any settings to connect to an external monitor
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