Lenovo laptop????????
I'm looking to get a laptop and I've pretty much narrowed down my search to Lenovo brand laptops. Now my question is which kind of Lenovo should I get? I am on a tight budget, and can only spend about 600 on a laptop. I have heard good things about the T42. I want one that is fast on the internet and will last me a good long time. Is there such a thing out there on my budget? Thanks guys :)
Laptops & Notebooks - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
look for hps. they are good(they r some problems sometimes) they are the worlds biggest pc manufacturer higher thatn ibm. if u can get a desktop thatd be better but since ur asking about laptops ill help with that. with 600 u should be able to get dual core 2.2ghz 4gbs of ram intergrated video card(supercrappy but dosent affect web) u shoudlbe able to get this at bestbuy ive seen them for this price. and all comptuers past the 500 mark are fast if u know how to use them. it becomes slow after downloading and installing a lot of things and startup programs like aim that make it slow. all are fast. gigabit and wireless n would be great for the laptop.
2 :
i have a lenovo t61i. they are very good with lots of support on their webite for drivers etc. also the rescue and recovery button (blue on my keypad) comes in very handy if the pc ever has problems.